Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Well....I think it is a dangerous week to be a Carew. First Jessica gets her nose broken while at the cottage (as described in a previous post). Now today I get a phone call to be told that poor Nathan tripped over his own PJ's and has a fracture above his ankle. Now he's going to be in a cast. The poor kid is just learning to walk! That's not fair at all! Thank god Jess works at the IWK. I guess he was at the babysitter's when it happened and she (the babysitter) is absolutely beside herself, even though it wasn't her fault. erg. Anyway, I'm waiting to hear more from either mom or Jess after they leave the hospital. If I were Terry, I'd cover myself in bubble wrap for a little while, just to be safe.

BJ and I are off to the Lawyer's to sign some papers (I'm not really sure what for) today. In the end, I'm sure it will be about how much MORE money I have to give them,but I'll survive. Somehow. I guess. This whole house buying thing is confusing and expensive, but I know I'll love it when I'm there. I also have to get my allergy shots today, and I'm hoping those will be going to every month instead of every two weeks soon. At any rate, there are boxes that need to be filled waiting for me downstairs. Sigh. Updates on Nathan to follow!


Rob, Tina and the boys said...

Oh what a sin! Poor little guy. I agree, Terry needs to be in an underground bunker or something!

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Tina. Poor Nathan and Terry needs to look out. Um...if he does go the bubble wrap route, can I have it when he's done? I love to pop me some bubble wrap!