Monday, November 24, 2008

I almost like Dora....

Anyone who has spent much time with Alan and I probably knows that we spend a lot of time watching the Backyardigans and Diego, but that I hate Dora. I have always hated Dora...I think it stems from when we used to babysit Colby on a fairly regular basis because he loved Dora. Kinda like my cousin Joey and his endless episodes of Barney. I'm not sure if it was the endless repetition or the vacant stare while waiting for the 2-year old audience to respond that turned me off, but I'm definitely not a fan. ANYWAY, after tonight I could learn to like Dora. Thanks to that inane show, ALAN ATE SOMETHING NEW!!!!! He obviously watches it at the sitter's, because he found a can of Dora soup in the soup aisle at the grocery store today. It's basically just vegetable soup with Dora/Backpack/Boots - shaped pasta. At any rate, he said he wanted it and that he would eat it for supper. I figured, what the hell. If not, I wasted under a buck. When we got home and he finished "helping" me put away the groceries, he said he would eat it. Granted, it took bribery, withholding juice and pausing the episode of Backyardigans to get him to eat the first bite, but he did eat it. He ended up eating almost half the can. YAY!!! With any luck, he is turning over a new leaf and may actually try one or two new things. Or so I can hope.

P.S. Funny story: BJ and Alan were dropping me off at work early this morning, before the sun was quite up. As we're driving, Alan starts saying "nana, mom. Nana" (meaning Banana). After a couple of times I looked back and saw that he was staring out the window, at which point I said "that's not a banana, Alan. It's the moon!" Hee hee....To his credit, it did look like a tiny little banana in the sky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute! And, I still get the shakes when I see Dora. In this house it's Roli Poli Oli.