Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well Well...it's been awhile this time, but I swear it's not my fault! We had visitors all last week and this past weekend. Joey was here for over a week, and on Friday, my mom and Aunt Cindy arrived to stay for a few days and then take JoeJoe home with them. We had a great time, although we weren't exactly party animals. Alan is still missing his JoeJoe, since they went home on Sunday, but we'll see everyone again at the cottage for the long weekend. Can't wait!

The reason I haven't been blogging is because my computer is trying to blow itself up. Grrr. I'm currently at my kitchen table using the wireless internet from our router on my school laptop. I already replaced the cooling system on my PC just to find out that that awesome smell in the computer room is actually the power source. yay. Another piece to replace. But BJ will do that for me next week and it will be up and running. Until then I get to lug this back and forth from that unmentionable place that I am returning to next week. Erg.

And if that wasn't enough....well really it's not much, but anyway...we have Bees. Not cute, flower hopping pollinating honey bees living in some buzzing hive over in a field or somesuch. Big, ugly, wood-burrowing, child-scaring, dive-bombing, FREAKING BEES living in MY WALL. Dammit. It started out that BJ could see some bees going in and out of a hole in the wall. Outside. So we got a big freaking can of killer Raid. And he squirted in the hole. After it was empty and we were pretty sure he got most of them, he sealed the hole with spray foam. So yesterday Alan and I were chilling on the couch when i saw a bee. IN my house. Ok...I figure there has to be a way to get rid of it without freaking out me and him. But not really. This thing kept dive bombing us so I took Alan and we stood behind a big fan I have on high power. Then it went into the bathroom. So I locked it in with my cat and stuffed a blanket under the door. I mean really. You're supposed to be safe from bugs inside your house. At least scary flying, stinging ones (God this makes me feel all girly). Anyway, I made BJ come home on his lunch and kill it, only to find another one in the bathroom shortly thereafter. So I sealed it in the bathroom window, with the cat and the blanket for safe keeping. I am thinking they got in through a tear in the screen, but that night when BJ was outside killing them with an electric flyswatter (which he taped to a hockey stick...yes I have pictures) we could hear them in my bedroom wall. ICK. I spent all of last night dreaming about bees flying around my bedroom. I still have the heebie jeebies. Anyway I called a pest control place and they gave us some suggestions since they can't come out until next week, but I don't know if that's soon enough for me. Maybe I'll just move in to school for the next week. Did I ever mention that I HATE bugs? WEll I do. I hate them. Really.


Anonymous said...

Oh my with the bees. I would have done the same thing. I make Tim kill bugs when he is home and when he is not...depending on the bug, the vaccum is my friend. ;) Sorry to hear about the computer troubles as well. That kind of stuff sucks and can get expensive.

But on the happy side, yea for the cottage this weekend for you! Tim and I don't have big plans other than staying home. lol

Have a good time and talk to you soon.

Rob, Tina and the boys said...

Eww bees. Have fun camping on the floor! :)